Running The Software

Input data in BIDS standard

The input dataset must be organized according to the BIDS data structure[GAC+16]. RABIES will iterate through all subjects found to contain a functional file (see section on BIDS filters below), and will also iterate according to sessions and runs found within each subject if available. If anatomical scans are used for preprocessing (i.e. not using --bold_only), each functional scan will be matched to one corresponding anatomical scan of the same subject/session (using BIDS filters for the anatomical image, see below).

Directory structure for an example dataset
├── sub-PHG001
│ └── ses-3
│     ├── anat
│     │ ├── sub-PHG001_ses-3_acq-RARE_T2w.json
│     │ └── sub-PHG001_ses-3_acq-RARE_T2w.nii.gz
│     └── func
│         ├── sub-PHG001_ses-3_task-rest_acq-EPI_run-1_bold.json
│         └── sub-PHG001_ses-3_task-rest_acq-EPI_run-1_bold.nii.gz
└── sub-PHG002
    └── ses-3
        ├── anat
        │ ├── sub-PHG002_ses-3_acq-RARE_T2w.json
        │ └── sub-PHG002_ses-3_acq-RARE_T2w.nii.gz
        └── func
            ├── sub-PHG002_ses-3_task-rest_acq-EPI_run-1_bold.json
            └── sub-PHG002_ses-3_task-rest_acq-EPI_run-1_bold.nii.gz

8 directories, 8 files

BIDS filters to identify functional and structural images

By default, RABIES will use the ‘bold’ or ‘cbv’ suffix to identify functional scans and the ‘T1w’ or ‘T2w’ suffix for structural scans. Files which don’t match the BIDS filters are ignored. However, the BIDS filters can also be customized with the --bids_filter parameter during the preprocessing stage. This can be useful for instance if the default is not enough to find the right set of scans. The custom BIDS filter must be formated into a JSON file with the functional filter under ‘func’ and structural filter under ‘anat’ (see example below for the default parameters):

    "func": {
    "anat": {

Command Line Interface

RABIES is executed using a command line interface, within a terminal. The software is divided into three main processing stages: preprocessing, confound correction and analysis. Accordingly, the command line interface allows for three different mode of execution, corresponding to the processing stages. So first, when executing the software, one of the processing stage must be selected. Below you can find the general –help message printed with rabies --help, which provides a summary of each processing stage together with options for parallel processing and memory management. Then, the –help associated to each processing stage, i.e. preprocess, confound_correction and analysis, describes in more detail the various parameters available to adapt image processing according to the user needs. Click on the corresponding –help to expand:

rabies --help

usage: rabies [-h] [--inclusion_ids [INCLUSION_IDS ...]]
              [--exclusion_ids [EXCLUSION_IDS ...]]
              [-p {Linear,MultiProc,SGE,SGEGraph,PBS,LSF,SLURM,SLURMGraph}]
              [--local_threads LOCAL_THREADS]
              [--scale_min_memory SCALE_MIN_MEMORY] [--min_proc MIN_PROC]
              [--figure_format {png,svg}] [--verbose VERBOSE] [-f]
              Processing stage ...

RABIES performs multiple stages of rodent fMRI image processing, including preprocessing, 
confound correction, simple analyses and data quality assessment.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Processing options:
  The RABIES workflow is seperated into three main processing stages: preprocessing, 
  confound correction and analysis. Outputs from the preprocessing provide the inputs for
  the subsequent confound correction, and finally analysis.

  Processing stage      Description
                        Conducts preprocessing on an input dataset in BIDS format. Preprocessing includes 
                        motion realignment, susceptibility distortions correction through non-linear 
                        registration, alignment to commonspace, anatomical parcellation and evaluation of 
                        nuisance timecourses.
                        Flexible options for confound correction are applied directly on preprocessing outputs
                        from RABIES to derive cleaned timeseries. Various correction strategies, if selected, are
                        applied in the following order, following best practices from human litterature:
                           #1 - Compute and apply frame censoring mask (from FD and/or DVARS thresholds)
                           #2 - If --match_number_timepoints is selected, each scan is matched to the 
                               defined minimum_timepoint number of frames.
                           #3 - Linear/Quadratic detrending of fMRI timeseries and nuisance regressors
                           #4 - Apply ICA-AROMA.
                           #5 - If frequency filtering and frame censoring are applied, simulate data in censored
                               timepoints using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, as suggested in Power et al. (2014, 
                               Neuroimage), for both the fMRI timeseries and nuisance regressors prior to filtering.
                           #6 - As recommended in Lindquist et al. (2019, Human brain mapping), make the nuisance 
                               regressors orthogonal to the temporal frequency filter.
                           #7 - Apply highpass and/or lowpass filtering on the fMRI timeseries (with simulated 
                           #8 - Re-apply the frame censoring mask onto filtered fMRI timeseries and nuisance 
                               regressors, taking out the simulated timepoints. Edge artefacts from frequency 
                               filtering can also be removed as recommended in Power et al. (2014, Neuroimage).
                           #9 - Apply confound regression using the selected nuisance regressors (see --conf_list
                           #10 - Scaling of timeseries variance
                           #11 - Apply Gaussian spatial smoothing.
                        Conduct simple resting-state functional connectivity (FC) analysis, or data quality
                        diagnosis, on cleaned timeseries after confound correction. Analysis options include
                        seed-based FC, whole-brain FC matrix, group-ICA and dual regression. --data_diagnosis
                        computes features of data quality at the individual scan and group levels, as in 
                        Desrosiers-Gregoire et al. (in prep)

Execution Options:
  Options for parallel execution and memory management.

  --inclusion_ids [INCLUSION_IDS ...]
                        Define a list of BOLD scan to include, i.e. run the pipeline on a subset of the data. 
                        To do so, provide the full path to the corresponding BOLD file in the input BIDS folder. The list 
                        of scan can be specified manually as a list of file name '--scan_list scan1.nii.gz 
                        scan2.nii.gz ...' or the files can be imbedded into a .txt file with one filename per row.
                        By default, 'all' the scans found in the input BIDS directory or from the previous 
                        processing step. This can be provided at any processing stage.
                        ***NOTE: do not enter this parameter right before the processing stage (preprocess, etc...), this will cause 
                        parsing errors. Instead, provide another parameter after --inclusion_ids (e.g. --verbose or -p). 
                        (default: ['all'])
  --exclusion_ids [EXCLUSION_IDS ...]
                        Instead of providing a list of scans to include, this argument provides a list of scans to exclude (while 
                        keeping all other scans). This argument follows the same syntax rules as --includion_ids. --exclusion_ids 
                        and --inclusion_ids cannot be used simultaneously. 
                        (default: ['none'])
  -p {Linear,MultiProc,SGE,SGEGraph,PBS,LSF,SLURM,SLURMGraph}, --plugin {Linear,MultiProc,SGE,SGEGraph,PBS,LSF,SLURM,SLURMGraph}
                        Specify the nipype plugin for workflow execution.
                        Consult for details.
                        (default: Linear)
  --local_threads LOCAL_THREADS
                        For --plugin MultiProc, set the maximum number of processors run in parallel.
                        Defaults to number of CPUs.
                        (default: 2)
  --scale_min_memory SCALE_MIN_MEMORY
                        For --plugin MultiProc, set the memory scaling factor attributed to nodes during
                        execution. Increase the scaling if memory crashes are reported.
                        (default: 1.0)
  --min_proc MIN_PROC   For --plugin SGE/SGEGraph, scale the number of nodes attributed to jobs to
                        avoid memory crashes.
                        (default: 1)
  --figure_format {png,svg}
                        Select the file format for figures generated by RABIES.
                        (default: png)
  --verbose VERBOSE     Set the verbose level. 0=WARNING, 1=INFO, 2 or above=DEBUG.
                        (default: 1)
  -f, --force           The pipeline will not stop if previous outputs are encountered. 
                        Previous outputs will be overwritten.
                        (default: False)

rabies preprocess --help

usage: rabies preprocess [-h] [--bids_filter BIDS_FILTER] [--bold_only]
                         [--anat_autobox] [--bold_autobox]
                         [--oblique2card {none,affine,3dWarp}]
                         [--HMC_option {intraSubjectBOLD,0,1,2,3,optim}]
                         [--isotropic_HMC] [--voxelwise_motion]
                         [--apply_slice_mc] [--detect_dummy]
                         [--data_type {int16,int32,float32,float64}]
                         [--anat_inho_cor ANAT_INHO_COR]
                         [--anat_robust_inho_cor ANAT_ROBUST_INHO_COR]
                         [--bold_inho_cor BOLD_INHO_COR]
                         [--bold_robust_inho_cor BOLD_ROBUST_INHO_COR]
                         [--commonspace_reg COMMONSPACE_REG]
                         [--inherit_unbiased_template INHERIT_UNBIASED_TEMPLATE]
                         [--bold2anat_coreg BOLD2ANAT_COREG]
                         [--nativespace_resampling NATIVESPACE_RESAMPLING]
                         [--commonspace_resampling COMMONSPACE_RESAMPLING]
                         [--anatomical_resampling ANATOMICAL_RESAMPLING]
                         [--apply_STC] [--TR TR]
                         [--tpattern {alt-z,alt-z2,seq-z,alt+z,alt+z2,seq+z}]
                         [--stc_axis {X,Y,Z}]
                         [--interp_method {linear,cubic,quintic,heptic,wsinc5,wsinc9,fourier}]
                         [--anat_template ANAT_TEMPLATE]
                         [--brain_mask BRAIN_MASK] [--WM_mask WM_MASK]
                         [--CSF_mask CSF_MASK] [--vascular_mask VASCULAR_MASK]
                         [--labels LABELS]
                         bids_dir output_dir

positional arguments:
  bids_dir              The root folder of the BIDS-formated input data directory.
  output_dir            the output path to drop outputs from major preprocessing steps.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --bids_filter BIDS_FILTER
                        Allows to provide additional BIDS specifications (found within the input BIDS directory) 
                        for selected a subset of functional and/or anatomical images. Takes as input a JSON file 
                        containing the set of parameters for functional image under 'func' and under 'anat' for the 
                        anatomical image. See online documentation for an example. 
                        (default: {'func': {'suffix': ['bold', 'cbv']}, 'anat': {'suffix': ['T1w', 'T2w']}})
  --bold_only           Apply preprocessing with only EPI scans. Commonspace registration is executed directly using
                        the corrected EPI 3D reference images. The commonspace registration simultaneously applies
                        distortion correction, this option will produce only commonspace outputs.
                        (default: False)
  --anat_autobox        Crops out extra space around the brain on the structural image using AFNI's 3dAutobox
                        (default: False)
  --bold_autobox        Crops out extra space around the brain on the EPI image using AFNI's 3dAutobox
                        (default: False)
  --oblique2card {none,affine,3dWarp}
                        Correct for oblique coordinates on all structural and functional data. 
                           WARNING: these corrections are suboptimal, and may alter the data. Only apply if necessary. 
                        affine: only the affine matrix is changed to cardinal axes. 
                        3dWarp: Applies AFNI's 3dWarp -oblique2card. This involves resampling the 
                        data on a new isotropic grid.
                        (default: none)
  --apply_despiking     Applies AFNI's 3dDespike
                        (default: False)
  --HMC_option {intraSubjectBOLD,0,1,2,3,optim}
                        Select a pre-built option for registration during head motion realignment. 'optim' was customized
                        as documented in Other options were taken from 
                        (default: optim)
  --isotropic_HMC       Whether to resample the EPI to isotropic resolution (taking the size of the axis with highest 
                        resolution) for the estimation of motion parameters. This should greatly mitigating registration 
                        'noise' which arise from partial volume effects, or poor image resolution (see online post on 
                        this topic This option will increase 
                        computational time, given the higher image resolution. 
                        (default: False)
  --voxelwise_motion    Whether to output estimates of absolute displacement and framewise displacement at each voxel. 
                        This will generate 4D nifti files representing motion timeseries derived from the 6 motion  
                        parameters. This is handled by antsMotionCorrStats. 
                        (default: False)
  --apply_slice_mc      Whether to apply a slice-specific motion correction after initial volumetric HMC. This can 
                        correct for interslice misalignment resulting from within-TR motion. With this option, 
                        motion corrections and the subsequent resampling from registration are applied sequentially
                        since the 2D slice registrations cannot be concatenate with 3D transforms. 
                        (default: False)
  --detect_dummy        Detect and remove initial dummy volumes from the EPI, and generate a reference EPI based on
                        these volumes if detected. Dummy volumes will be removed from the output preprocessed EPI.
                        (default: False)
  --data_type {int16,int32,float32,float64}
                        Specify data format outputs to control for file size.
                        (default: float32)

Registration Options:
  Customize registration operations and troubleshoot registration failures.

  --anat_inho_cor ANAT_INHO_COR
                        Select options for the inhomogeneity correction of the structural image.
                        * method: specify which registration strategy is employed for providing a brain mask.
                        *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                        *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                        *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                        *** no_reg: skip registration.
                        *** N4_reg: previous correction script prior to version 0.3.1.
                        *** disable: disables the inhomogeneity correction.
                        * otsu_thresh: The inhomogeneity correction script necessitates an initial correction with a 
                         Otsu masking strategy (prior to registration of an anatomical mask). This option sets the 
                         Otsu threshold level to capture the right intensity distribution. 
                        *** Specify an integer among [0,1,2,3,4]. 
                        * multiotsu: Select this option to perform a staged inhomogeneity correction, where only 
                         lower intensities are initially corrected, then higher intensities are iteratively 
                         included to eventually correct the whole image. This technique may help with images with 
                         particularly strong inhomogeneity gradients and very low intensities.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        (default: method=SyN,otsu_thresh=2,multiotsu=false)
  --anat_robust_inho_cor ANAT_ROBUST_INHO_COR
                        When selecting this option, inhomogeneity correction is executed twice to optimize 
                        outcomes. After completing an initial inhomogeneity correction step, the corrected outputs 
                        are co-registered to generate an unbiased template, using the same method as the commonspace 
                        registration. This template is then masked, and is used as a new target for masking during a 
                        second iteration of inhomogeneity correction. Using this dataset-specific template should 
                        improve the robustness of masking for inhomogeneity correction.
                        * apply: select 'true' to apply this option. 
                         *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * masking: Combine masks derived from the inhomogeneity correction step to support 
                         registration during the generation of the unbiased template, and then during template 
                         *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to template registration based on the 
                         combined masks from inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but 
                         requires good quality masks. This must be selected along the 'masking' option.
                         *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * template_registration: Specify a registration script for the alignment of the 
                         dataset-generated unbiased template to a reference template for masking.
                        *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                        *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                        *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                        *** no_reg: skip registration.
                        (default: apply=false,masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN)
  --bold_inho_cor BOLD_INHO_COR
                        Same as --anat_inho_cor, but for the EPI images.
                        (default: method=Rigid,otsu_thresh=2,multiotsu=false)
  --bold_robust_inho_cor BOLD_ROBUST_INHO_COR
                        Same as --anat_robust_inho_cor, but for the EPI images.
                        (default: apply=false,masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN)
  --commonspace_reg COMMONSPACE_REG
                        Specify registration options for the commonspace registration.
                        * masking: Combine masks derived from the inhomogeneity correction step to support 
                         registration during the generation of the unbiased template, and then during template 
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to template registration based on the 
                         combined masks from inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but 
                         requires good quality masks. This must be selected along the 'masking' option.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * template_registration: Specify a registration script for the alignment of the 
                         dataset-generated unbiased template to the commonspace atlas.
                        *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                        *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                        *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                        *** no_reg: skip registration.
                        * fast_commonspace: Skip the generation of a dataset-generated unbiased template, and 
                         instead, register each scan independently directly onto the commonspace atlas, using the 
                         template_registration. This option can be faster, but may decrease the quality of 
                         alignment between subjects. 
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        (default: masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false)
  --inherit_unbiased_template INHERIT_UNBIASED_TEMPLATE
                        Provide a path to a previous RABIES preprocessing output folder to inherit the unbiased template 
                        generated in that previous run, as well as the registration to the external atlas. In place of 
                        conducting unbiased template generation, each scan is registered to this pre-generated template 
                        with registration parameters that are consistent with that of the previous run. The atlas registration 
                        is also inherited, and won't be conducted again. 
                        By selecting this option, the following preprocessing parameters will be overriden to enforce 
                        consistency with the previous run: --anatomical_resampling, --commonspace_reg, --anat_template, 
                        --brain_mask, --WM_mask, --CSF_mask, --vascular_mask, --labels 
                        (default: none)
  --bold2anat_coreg BOLD2ANAT_COREG
                        Specify the registration script for cross-modal alignment between the EPI and structural
                        images. This operation is responsible for correcting EPI susceptibility distortions.
                        * masking: With this option, the brain masks obtained from the EPI inhomogeneity correction 
                         step are used to support registration.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to registration using the EPI masks from 
                         inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but requires good quality 
                         masks. This must be selected along the 'masking' option.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * registration: Specify a registration script.
                        *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                        *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                        *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                        *** no_reg: skip registration.
                        (default: masking=false,brain_extraction=false,registration=SyN)

Resampling Options:
  The following options allow to resample the voxel dimensions for the preprocessed EPIs
  or for the anatomical images during registration.
  The resampling syntax must be 'dim1xdim2xdim3' (in mm), follwing the RAS axis convention
  (dim1=Right-Left, dim2=Anterior-Posterior, dim3=Superior-Inferior). If 'inputs_defined'
  is provided instead of axis dimensions, the original dimensions are preserved.

  --nativespace_resampling NATIVESPACE_RESAMPLING
                        Can specify a resampling dimension for the nativespace fMRI outputs.
                        (default: inputs_defined)
  --commonspace_resampling COMMONSPACE_RESAMPLING
                        Can specify a resampling dimension for the commonspace fMRI outputs.
                        (default: inputs_defined)
  --anatomical_resampling ANATOMICAL_RESAMPLING
                        This specifies resampling dimensions for the anatomical registration targets. By 
                        default, images are resampled to isotropic resolution based on the smallest dimension
                        among the provided anatomical images (EPI images instead if --bold_only is True). 
                        Increasing voxel resampling size will increase registration speed at the cost of 
                        (default: inputs_defined)

STC Options:
  Specify Slice Timing Correction (STC) info that is fed to AFNI's 3dTshift
  ( The STC is applied
  in the anterior-posterior orientation, and thus RABIES assumes slices were acquired in
  this direction.

  --apply_STC           Select this option to apply the STC step.
                        (default: False)
  --TR TR               Specify repetition time (TR) in seconds. (e.g. --TR 1.2). 'auto' will read the TR from 
                        the nifti header. 
                        (default: auto)
  --tpattern {alt-z,alt-z2,seq-z,alt+z,alt+z2,seq+z}
                        Specify if interleaved ('alt') or sequential ('seq') acquisition, and specify in which 
                        direction (- or +) to apply the correction. If slices were acquired from front to back, 
                        the correction should be in the negative (-) direction. If slices were collected in an interleaved 
                        order starting with the second or (second-to-last) slice, use 'alt+z2' or 'alt-z2'. Refer to this discussion on the 
                        topic for more information
                        (default: alt-z)
  --stc_axis {X,Y,Z}    Can specify over which axis of the image the STC must be applied. Generally, the correction 
                        should be over the Y axis, which corresponds to the anteroposterior axis in RAS convention. 
                        (default: Y)
  --interp_method {linear,cubic,quintic,heptic,wsinc5,wsinc9,fourier}
                        Can specify the interpolation method used for STC. Polynomial methods (e.g., linear, cubic, etc.) 
                        will introduce greater autocorrelation to the interpolated timeseries, while wsinc and fourier methods 
                        will introduce less (or none). Refer to this discussion on the topic for more information 
                        (default: fourier)

Template Files:
  Specify commonspace template and associated mask/label files. By default, RABIES
  provides the mouse DSURQE atlas

  --anat_template ANAT_TEMPLATE
                        Anatomical file for the commonspace atlas.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_average.nii.gz)
  --brain_mask BRAIN_MASK
                        Brain mask aligned with the template.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_mask.nii.gz)
  --WM_mask WM_MASK     White matter mask aligned with the template.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_eroded_WM_mask.nii.gz)
  --CSF_mask CSF_MASK   CSF mask aligned with the template.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_eroded_CSF_mask.nii.gz)
  --vascular_mask VASCULAR_MASK
                        Can provide a mask of major blood vessels to compute associated nuisance timeseries.
                        The default mask was generated by applying MELODIC ICA and selecting the resulting 
                        component mapping onto major brain vessels.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/vascular_mask.nii.gz)
  --labels LABELS       Labels file providing the atlas anatomical annotations.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_labels.nii.gz)

rabies confound_correction --help

usage: rabies confound_correction [-h] [--nativespace_analysis]
                                  [--image_scaling {None,global_variance,voxelwise_standardization,grand_mean_scaling,voxelwise_mean}]
                                  [--detrending_order {linear,quadratic}]
                                  [--conf_list [{WM_signal,CSF_signal,vascular_signal,global_signal,aCompCor_percent,aCompCor_5,mot_6,mot_24} ...]]
                                  [--frame_censoring FRAME_CENSORING]
                                  [--TR TR] [--highpass HIGHPASS]
                                  [--lowpass LOWPASS]
                                  [--edge_cutoff EDGE_CUTOFF]
                                  [--smoothing_filter SMOOTHING_FILTER]
                                  [--ica_aroma ICA_AROMA] [--read_datasink]
                                  [--timeseries_interval TIMESERIES_INTERVAL]
                                  preprocess_out output_dir

positional arguments:
  preprocess_out        path to RABIES preprocessing output directory.
  output_dir            path for confound correction output directory.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Conduct confound correction and analysis in native space.
                        (default: False)
  --image_scaling {None,global_variance,voxelwise_standardization,grand_mean_scaling,voxelwise_mean}
                        Select an option for scaling the image variance to match the intensity profile of 
                        different scans and avoid biases in data variance and amplitude estimation during analysis.
                        The variance explained from confound regression is also scaled accordingly for later use with 
                        *** None: No scaling is applied, only detrending.
                        *** global_variance: After applying confound correction, the cleaned timeseries are scaled 
                           according to the total standard deviation of all voxels, to scale total variance to 1. 
                        *** voxelwise_standardization: After applying confound correction, each voxel is separately 
                           scaled to unit variance (z-scoring). 
                        *** grand_mean_scaling: Timeseries are divided by the mean signal across voxel, and 
                           multiplied by 100 to obtain percent BOLD fluctuations. 
                        *** voxelwise_mean: each voxel is seperataly scaled according to its mean intensity, 
                           a method suggested with AFNI,161862,161864. 
                           Timeseries are then multiplied by 100 to obtain percent BOLD fluctuations. 
                        (default: grand_mean_scaling)
                        If scaling was not applied voxelwise with voxelwise_standardization or voxelwise_mean, this option 
                        standardize the variance at each voxel to be equal, while preserving to total variance of the 
                        4D timeseries (i.e. voxels have same variance, but not unit variance).
                        (default: False)
  --detrending_order {linear,quadratic}
                        Select between linear or quadratic (second-order) detrending of voxel timeseries.
                        (default: linear)
  --conf_list [{WM_signal,CSF_signal,vascular_signal,global_signal,aCompCor_percent,aCompCor_5,mot_6,mot_24} ...]
                        Select list of nuisance regressors that will be applied on voxel timeseries, i.e., confound
                        *** WM/CSF/vascular/global_signal: correspond to mean signal from WM/CSF/vascular/brain 
                        *** mot_6: 6 rigid head motion correction parameters.
                        *** mot_24: mot_6 + their temporal derivative, then all 12 parameters squared, as in 
                           Friston et al. (1996, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine).
                        *** aCompCor_percent: method from Muschelli et al. (2014, Neuroimage), where component timeseries
                           are obtained using PCA, conducted on the combined WM and CSF masks voxel timeseries. 
                           Components adding up to 50 percent of the variance are included.
                        *** aCompCor_5: aCompCor method, but taking 5 first principal components. 
                        (default: [])
  --frame_censoring FRAME_CENSORING
                        Censor frames that are highly corrupted (i.e. 'scrubbing'). 
                        * FD_censoring: Apply frame censoring based on a framewise displacement threshold. The frames 
                         that exceed the given threshold, together with 1 back and 2 forward frames will be masked 
                         out, as in Power et al. (2012, Neuroimage).
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * FD_threshold: the FD threshold in mm. 
                        * DVARS_censoring: Will remove timepoints that present outlier values on the DVARS metric 
                         (temporal derivative of global signal). This method will censor timepoints until the 
                         distribution of DVARS values across time does not contain outliers values above or below 2.5 
                         standard deviations.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * minimum_timepoint: Can set a minimum number of timepoints remaining after frame censoring. 
                         If the threshold is not met, an empty file is generated and the scan is not considered in 
                         further steps. 
                        (default: FD_censoring=false,FD_threshold=0.05,DVARS_censoring=false,minimum_timepoint=3)
  --TR TR               Specify repetition time (TR) in seconds. (e.g. --TR 1.2). 'auto' will read the TR from 
                        the nifti header. 
                        (default: auto)
  --highpass HIGHPASS   Specify highpass filter frequency.
                        (default: None)
  --lowpass LOWPASS     Specify lowpass filter frequency.
                        (default: None)
  --edge_cutoff EDGE_CUTOFF
                        Specify the number of seconds to cut at beginning and end of acquisition if applying a
                        frequency filter. Highpass filters generate edge effects at begining and end of the
                        timeseries. We recommend to cut those timepoints (around 30sec at both end for 0.01Hz 
                        (default: 0)
  --smoothing_filter SMOOTHING_FILTER
                        Specify filter size in mm for spatial smoothing. Will apply nilearn's function 
                        (default: None)
                        With this option, only a subset of the timepoints are kept post-censoring to match the 
                        --minimum_timepoint number for all scans. This can be conducted to avoid inconsistent 
                        temporal degrees of freedom (tDOF) between scans during downstream analysis. We recommend 
                        selecting this option if a significant confounding effect of tDOF is detected during --data_diagnosis.
                        The extra timepoints removed are randomly selected among the set available post-censoring.
                        (default: False)
  --ica_aroma ICA_AROMA
                        Apply ICA-AROMA denoising (Pruim et al. 2015). The original classifier was modified to incorporate 
                        rodent-adapted masks and classification hyperparameters.
                        * apply: apply the denoising.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * dim: Specify a pre-determined number of MELODIC components to derive. '0' will use an automatic 
                        * random_seed: For reproducibility, this option sets a fixed random seed for MELODIC. 
                        (default: apply=false,dim=0,random_seed=1)
                        Choose this option to read preprocessing outputs from datasinks instead of the saved 
                        preprocessing workflow graph. This allows to run confound correction without having 
                        available RABIES preprocessing folders, but the targetted datasink folders must follow the
                        structure of RABIES preprocessing.
                        (default: False)
  --timeseries_interval TIMESERIES_INTERVAL
                        Before confound correction, can crop the timeseries within a specific interval.
                        e.g. '0,80' for timepoint 0 to 80.
                        (default: all)
  --generate_CR_null    Estimate overfitting from confound regression by generating phase randomised regressors,
                        following the method by Bright and Murphy (2015), NeuroImage. By selecting this option, 
                        an additional figure will be generated to display the variance explained by the real 
                        regressors VS the randomized regressors to assess overfitting. 
                        (default: False)

rabies analysis --help

usage: rabies analysis [-h] [--prior_maps PRIOR_MAPS]
                       [--prior_bold_idx [PRIOR_BOLD_IDX ...]]
                       [--prior_confound_idx [PRIOR_CONFOUND_IDX ...]]
                       [--scan_QC_thresholds SCAN_QC_THRESHOLDS]
                       [--outlier_threshold OUTLIER_THRESHOLD] [--extended_QC]
                       [--seed_list [SEED_LIST ...]]
                       [--seed_prior_list [SEED_PRIOR_LIST ...]] [--FC_matrix]
                       [--ROI_type {parcellated,voxelwise}]
                       [--ROI_csv ROI_CSV] [--group_ica GROUP_ICA] [--DR_ICA]
                       [--NPR_temporal_comp NPR_TEMPORAL_COMP]
                       [--NPR_spatial_comp NPR_SPATIAL_COMP]
                       [--optimize_NPR OPTIMIZE_NPR]
                       [--network_weighting {absolute,relative}]
                       confound_correction_out output_dir

positional arguments:
                        path to RABIES confound correction output directory.
  output_dir            path for analysis outputs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --prior_maps PRIOR_MAPS
                        Provide a 4D nifti image with a series of spatial priors representing common sources of
                        signal (e.g. ICA components from a group-ICA run). This 4D prior map file will be used for 
                        Dual regression, Dual ICA and --data_diagnosis. The RABIES default corresponds to a MELODIC 
                        run on a combined group of anesthetized-ventilated and awake mice. Confound correction 
                        consisted of highpass at 0.01 Hz, FD censoring at 0.03mm, DVARS censoring, and 
                        mot_6,WM_signal,CSF_signal as regressors.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/melodic_IC.nii.gz)
  --prior_bold_idx [PRIOR_BOLD_IDX ...]
                        Specify the indices for the priors corresponding to BOLD sources of interest from --prior_maps. 
                        This will determine the set of networks analyzed for --data_diagnosis. 
                        IMPORTANT: index counting starts at 0 (i.e. the first component is selected with 0, not 1) 
                        (default: [5, 12, 19])
  --prior_confound_idx [PRIOR_CONFOUND_IDX ...]
                        Specify the indices for the confound components from --prior_maps. This is pertinent for 
                        evaluating features in the --data_diagnosis outputs.
                        IMPORTANT: index counting starts at 0 (i.e. the first component is selected with 0, not 1) 
                        (default: [0, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 26, 28, 29])
  --data_diagnosis      Generates a set of data quality assessment reports as described in Desrosiers-Gregoire et al. 2023. 
                        These reports aim to support interpreting connectivity results and account for data quality issues, 
                        and include: 1-a scan-level qualitative diagnosis report, 2-a quantitative distribution report, 3-a 
                        group-level statistical report for network analysis. 
                        (default: False)
  --scan_QC_thresholds SCAN_QC_THRESHOLDS
                        Option to specify scan-level thresholds to remove scans from the dataset QC report.
                        This can be specified for a given set of network analyses among DR (dual regression), SBC (seed 
                        connectivity), or NPR. For each analysis, the following QC parameters can be specified: 
                        * Dice: Threshold for the minimum network detectability computed as Dice overlap with the prior. 
                        *** Specify a list of thresholds between 0 and 1. The order of thresholds provided within the list 
                            will be matched to the list of networks for the corresponding analysis (for DR/NPR, this 
                            will be matched to the --prior_bold_idx list, and for SBC it will be matched to --seed_list). 
                            If the list is empty, no thresholding is applied, otherwise, the length of the lists for the  
                            thresholds and networks must match. 
                        * Conf: Threshold for the maximum temporal correlation with DR confound timecourses. 
                        *** Specify a list of thresholds between 0 and 1. The same rules as Dice are followed for specifying 
                            the order of thresholds within the list. 
                        * Amp: Whether to automatically remove outliers from the network amplitude measure. 
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        The expression for the parameters must follow a dictionary syntax, as with this example:  
                        Note that the expression must be written within ' '.
                        (default: {})
  --outlier_threshold OUTLIER_THRESHOLD
                        The modified Z-score threshold for detecting outliers during dataset QC when using 
                        --data_diagnosis. The default of 3.5 is recommended in 
                        (default: 3.5)
  --extended_QC         Select this option to output the network correlation with the original image intensity (calculated 
                        during detrending) and the BOLDsd (signal variability). These two additional features allow to 
                        further inspect potential issues of signal amplitude scaling between scans. However, it is unclear 
                        whether signal of interest (i.e. neural metabolism) contribute to each measure, so these outputs should 
                        be interpreted with caution. 
                        (default: False)
  --seed_list [SEED_LIST ...]
                        Can provide a list of Nifti files providing a mask for an anatomical seed, which will be used
                        to evaluate seed-based connectivity maps using on Pearson's r. Each seed must consist of 
                        a binary mask representing the ROI in commonspace.
                        (default: [])
  --seed_prior_list [SEED_PRIOR_LIST ...]
                        For analysis QC of seed-based FC during --data_diagnosis, prior network maps are required for 
                        each seed provided in --seed_list. Provide the list of prior files in matching order of the 
                        --seed_list arguments to match corresponding seed maps.
                        (default: [])
  --FC_matrix           Compute whole-brain connectivity matrices using Pearson's r between ROI timeseries.
                        (default: False)
  --ROI_type {parcellated,voxelwise}
                        Define ROIs for --FC_matrix between 'parcellated' from the provided atlas during preprocessing,
                        or 'voxelwise' to derive the correlations between every voxel.(default: parcellated)
  --ROI_csv ROI_CSV     A CSV file with the ROI names matching the ROI index numbers in the atlas labels Nifti file. 
                        A copy of this file is provided along the FC matrix generated for each subject.
                        (default: /home/docs/.local/share/rabies/DSURQE_40micron_labels.nii.gz)
  --group_ica GROUP_ICA
                        Perform group-ICA using FSL's MELODIC on the whole dataset's cleaned timeseries.
                        Note that confound correction must have been conducted on commonspace outputs.
                        * apply: compute group-ICA.
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * dim: Specify a pre-determined number of MELODIC components to derive. '0' will use an automatic 
                        * random_seed: For reproducibility, this option sets a fixed random seed for MELODIC. 
                        (default: apply=false,dim=0,random_seed=1)
  --DR_ICA              Conduct dual regression on each subject timeseries, using the priors from --prior_maps. The
                        linear coefficients from both the first and second regressions will be provided as outputs.
                        Requires that confound correction was conducted on commonspace outputs.
                        (default: False)
  --NPR_temporal_comp NPR_TEMPORAL_COMP
                        Option for performing Neural Prior Recovery (NPR). Specify with this option how many extra 
                        subject-specific sources will be computed to account for non-prior confounds. This options 
                        specifies the number of temporal components to compute. After computing 
                        these sources, NPR will provide a fit for each prior in --prior_maps indexed by --prior_bold_idx.
                        Specify at least 0 extra sources to run NPR.
                        (default: -1)
  --NPR_spatial_comp NPR_SPATIAL_COMP
                        Same as --NPR_temporal_comp, but specify how many spatial components to compute (which are 
                        additioned to the temporal components).
                        (default: -1)
  --optimize_NPR OPTIMIZE_NPR
                        This option handles the automated dimensionality estimation when carrying out NPR. NPR will be 
                        carried out iteratively while incrementing the number of non-prior components fitted, until 
                        convergence criteria are met (see below). A convergence report is generated to visualize the 
                        results across iterations. 
                        Convergence criterion 1: Iterations continue until the correlation between the fitted component 
                        and the prior does not reach the specified minimum.
                        Convergence Criterion 2: At each iteration, the difference between the previous and new output 
                        is evaluated (0=perfectly correlated; 1=uncorrelated). The forming set of successive iterations 
                        (within a certain window length) is evaluated, and when a set respects the convergence threshold 
                        for each iteration within the window, the iteration preceding that window is selected as optimal 
                        output. We take the iteration preceding the  window, as this corresponds to the last iteration 
                        which generated changes above threshold. The sliding-window approach is employed to prevent 
                        falling within a local minima, when further ameliorations may be possible with further iterations.
                        When multiple priors are fitted, they are all simultaneously subjected to the evaluation of 
                        convergence, and as long as one prior fit does not meet the thresholds, iterations continue.
                        * apply: select 'true' to apply this option. If selected, this option overrides --NPR_spatial_comp 
                         and --NPR_spatial_comp. 
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        * window_size: Window size for criterion 2. 
                        *** Must provide an integer. 
                        * min_prior_corr: Threshold for criterion 1. 
                        *** Must provide a float. 
                        * diff_thresh: Threshold for criterion 2. 
                        *** Must provide a float. 
                        * max_iter: Maximum number of iterations. 
                        *** Must provide an integer. 
                        * compute_max: select 'true' to visualize all iterations until max_iter in the report. 
                        *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                        (default: apply=false,window_size=5,min_prior_corr=0.5,diff_thresh=0.03,max_iter=20,compute_max=false)
  --network_weighting {absolute,relative}
                        Whether to derive absolute or relative (variance-normalized) network maps, representing 
                        respectively network amplitude + shape or network shape only. This option applies to both 
                        dual regression (DR) and Neural Prior Recovery (NPR) analyses. 
                        (default: absolute)

Example execution syntax

The following section provides examples describing the basic syntax for running the RABIES command line interface.


rabies -p MultiProc preprocess input_BIDS/ preprocess_outputs/ --apply_STC --TR 1.2 --commonspace_reg masking=true,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false

First, we have to preprocess the dataset before it can be analyzed. In this example, we are running the RABIES preprocessing on the dataset found in the input_BIDS/ folder, formatted according to the BIDS standard, and the outputs from RABIES are stored in the preprocess_outputs/ folder. Additional execution parameters were specified:

  • -p MultiProc will execute the pipeline in parallel using the local threads available. Notice that this parameter is specified before the processing stage, because it is one of the Execution Options affiliated to the rabies --help.

  • --apply_STC is a boolean variable which, when selected, will apply slice timing correction during preprocessing, which is not applied by default in RABIES.

  • --TR 1.2 specifies the repetition time (TR) of the fMRI images that are processed, which must be defined to apply slice timing correction appropriately. Notice that this parameter must be provided with an argument, here 1.2 for TR = 1.2sec, and this is done by writing down the argument with a space dividing the associated parameter.

  • --commonspace_reg masking=true,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false this argument manages the options for the commonspace registration step. Some arguments, including --commonspace_reg, take multiple parameters as input, where each parameter-value pairs follow the syntax of parameter=value. In this case, we are using the masking optino with masking=true, which use available brain masks from inhomogeneity correction to drive the registration operations, and we specify a non-linear registration to the commonspace template with template_registration=SyN.


rabies -p MultiProc confound_correction preprocess_outputs/ confound_correction_outputs/ --conf_list WM_signal CSF_signal vascular_signal mot_6 --smoothing_filter 0.3 

Next, after completing preprocessing, in most cases the data should be corrected for potential confounds prior to analysis. This is done in the confound correction stage, where confounds are modelled and regressed from the data. In this example we correct the preprocessed data found in the preprocess_outputs/ folder and store the cleaned outputs in the confound_correction_outputs/ folder. Among the range of options available for confound correction, we define in this example three parameters:

  • --conf_list is the option to regress nuisance timeseries from the data, i.e., confound regression. This parameter takes a list as input, where each argument in the list is seperated by a space as follow WM_signal CSF_signal mot_6. This list defines which nuisance timeseries are going to model confounds during confound regression, in this case, the WM and CSF mean signals together with the 6 rigid realignment parameters from head motion realignment.

  • --smoothing_filter will additionally apply Gaussian spatial smoothing, where in this case, a filter size of 0.3 mm is specified.


rabies -p MultiProc analysis confound_correction_outputs analysis_outputs/ --group_ica apply=true,dim=30,random_seed=1

Finally, after conducting preprocessing and confound correction, certain analyses can be run within RABIES. In this case, the cleaned outputs found in confound_correction_outputs/ are going to be analyzed, with analysis outputs found in analysis_outputs/. We perform a group independent component analysis (ICA) with 30 components by providing --group_ica apply=true,dim=30,random_seed=1 to the command.

Execution syntax with containerized installation (Singularity and Docker)

Containers are independent computing environments which have their own dependencies installed to ensure consistent and reliable execution of the software across computing platforms. Singularity containers, as opposed to Docker, can be exported to remote high-performance computing platforms (e.g. computecanada). The main difference in execution syntax when running a container, as opposed to the examples above, is that the paths between the local environment where the data is stored must be ‘linked’ to the container’s internal paths. All relevant directories containing data that will be used by RABIES must be related to a container internal path, and this is done using -B for Singularity and -v for Docker. See below for examples:

Singularity execution


singularity run -B $PWD/input_BIDS:/input_BIDS:ro \
-B $PWD/preprocess_outputs:/preprocess_outputs/ \
/path_to_singularity_image/rabies.sif -p MultiProc preprocess /input_BIDS/ /preprocess_outputs/ --apply_STC --TR 1.2 --commonspace_reg masking=true,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false

Singularity containers are stored in image files, for instance rabies.sif. singularity run /path_to_singularity_image/rabies.sif will execute the image, in this case the RABIES pipeline, and the same rules for the command line interface then apply as previously demonstrated. However, the container must gain access to the relevant folders for running RABIES, in this case an input folder and an output folder, and this is done with -B:

  • -B $PWD/input_BIDS:/input_BIDS:ro: this argument relates the BIDS input folder found in $PWD/input_BIDS to an internal path to the container, which we call /input_BIDS. The inputs are thus accessed according to this path in the RABIES arguments with /input_BIDS/. the :ro means that the container is only provided reading permissions at this location.

  • -B $PWD/preprocess_outputs:/preprocess_outputs/: same as with the /input_BIDS/, but now we are relating a desired output directory $PWD/preprocess_outputs to /preprocess_outputs, and the container has writing permissions at this path since :ro is not present.


singularity run -B $PWD/input_BIDS:/input_BIDS:ro \
-B $PWD/preprocess_outputs:/preprocess_outputs/ \
-B $PWD/confound_correction_outputs:/confound_correction_outputs/ \
/path_to_singularity_image/rabies.sif -p MultiProc confound_correction /preprocess_outputs/ /confound_correction_outputs/ --conf_list WM_signal CSF_signal vascular_signal mot_6 --smoothing_filter 0.3 

The required paths are similarly provided for the confound correction stage. Note here that the path to $PWD/input_BIDS is still linked to the container, even though it is not explicitely part of the arguments during the confound correction call. This is necessary since the paths used in the preprocessing steps still need to be accessed at later stages, and there will be an error if the paths are not kept consistent across processing steps.


singularity run -B $PWD/input_BIDS:/input_BIDS:ro \
-B $PWD/preprocess_outputs:/preprocess_outputs/ \
-B $PWD/confound_correction_outputs:/confound_correction_outputs/ \
-B $PWD/analysis_outputs:/analysis_outputs/ \
/path_to_singularity_image/rabies.sif -p MultiProc analysis /confound_correction_outputs /analysis_outputs/ --group_ica apply=true,dim=30,random_seed=1

The same logic applies at the analysis stage.

Docker execution

docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u) \
-v $PWD/input_BIDS:/input_BIDS:ro \
-v $PWD/preprocess_outputs:/preprocess_outputs/ \
gabdesgreg/rabies:tagname -p MultiProc preprocess /input_BIDS/ /preprocess_outputs/ --apply_STC --TR 1.2 --commonspace_reg masking=true,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false

The syntax in Docker is very similar to Singularity, except that -B is replaced by -v, and further parameters may be needed (e.g. -it, --rm). --user $(id -u) can be added to mitigate writing permission issues when using Docker. Note that ‘tagname’ should be replaced by the proper RABIES version you are using (e.g. 0.4.8).

Additional Resources