Preprocessing Pipeline

The preprocessing of fMRI scans prior to analysis consists of, at minimum, the anatomical alignment of scans to a common space, head realignment to correct for motion, and the correction of susceptibility distortions arising from the echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisition of functional scans. The core preprocessing pipeline in RABIES carries each of these steps with state-of-the-art processing tools and techniques.

To conduct common space alignment, structural images, which were acquired along the EPI scans, are initially corrected for inhomogeneities (Structural inhomogeneity correction) and then registered together to allow the alignment of different MRI acquisitions. This registration is conducted by generating an unbiased data-driven template (Unbiased template generation) through the iterative non-linear registration of each image to the dataset consensus average, where the average gets updated at each iteration to provide an increasingly representative dataset template (; [ATS+11]). The finalized template after the last iteration provides a representative alignment of each MRI session to a template that shares the acquisition properties of the dataset (e.g. brain shape, FOV, anatomical contrast, …), making it a stable registration target for cross-subject alignment. This newly-generated unbiased template is then itself registered to an external reference atlas to provide both an anatomical segmentation and a common space comparable across studies defined from the provided reference atlas (Atlas registration).

The remaining preprocessing involves the EPI image. A volumetric EPI image is first derived using a trimmed mean across the EPI frames, after an initial motion realignment step (3D EPI generation). Using this volumetric EPI as a target, the head motion parameters are estimated by realigning each EPI frame to the target using a rigid registration (Head motion estimation). To correct for EPI susceptibility distortions, the volumetric EPI is first subjected to an inhomogeneity correction step (Functional inhomogeneity correction), and then registered non-linearly to the anatomical scan from the same MRI session, which allows to calculate the required geometrical transforms for recovering brain anatomy [WPG+17] (Susceptibility distortion estimation). Finally, after calculating the transformations required to correct for head motion and susceptibility distortions, both transforms are concatenated into a single resampling operation (avoiding multiple resampling) which is applied at each EPI frame, generating the preprocessed EPI timeseries in native space [EMB+19] (Frame-wise resampling). Preprocessed timeseries in common space are also generated by further concatenating the transforms allowing resampling to the reference atlas.

The workflow of the RABIES preprocessing pipeline is summarized in the diagram above, and each preprocessing module is further described below.

Structural inhomogeneity correction

Figure: displays steps of inhomogeneity correction for the structural image.

rabies.preprocess_pkg.inho_correction.init_inho_correction_wf [source code]

    Corrects an input 3D image for intensity inhomogeneities. The image is denoised with non-local mean 
    denoising (Manjón et al., 2010) (for EPIs, denoising was carried beforehand during 3D EPI generation) 
    followed by iterative correction for intensity inhomogeneities (Sled et al., 1998). Initial masking 
    is achieved via intensity thresholding, giving an initial correction of the image, and a registration is 
    then conducted to register a brain mask for a final round of correction.

        Manjón, J. V., Coupé, P., Martí-Bonmatí, L., Collins, D. L., & Robles, M. (2010). Adaptive non-local means 
            denoising of MR images with spatially varying noise levels. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 
            JMRI, 31(1), 192–203.
        Sled, J. G., Zijdenbos, A. P., & Evans, A. C. (1998). A nonparametric method for automatic correction of 
            intensity nonuniformity in MRI data. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 17(1), 87–97.            

    Command line interface parameters:
        --anat_inho_cor ANAT_INHO_COR
                                Select options for the inhomogeneity correction of the structural image.
                                * method: specify which registration strategy is employed for providing a brain mask.
                                *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                                *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                                *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                                *** no_reg: skip registration.
                                *** N4_reg: previous correction script prior to version 0.3.1.
                                *** disable: disables the inhomogeneity correction.
                                * otsu_thresh: The inhomogeneity correction script necessitates an initial correction with a 
                                Otsu masking strategy (prior to registration of an anatomical mask). This option sets the 
                                Otsu threshold level to capture the right intensity distribution. 
                                *** Specify an integer among [0,1,2,3,4]. 
                                * multiotsu: Select this option to perform a staged inhomogeneity correction, where only 
                                lower intensities are initially corrected, then higher intensities are iteratively 
                                included to eventually correct the whole image. This technique may help with images with 
                                particularly strong inhomogeneity gradients and very low intensities.
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                (default: method=SyN,otsu_thresh=2,multiotsu=false)
        --anat_robust_inho_cor ANAT_ROBUST_INHO_COR
                                When selecting this option, inhomogeneity correction is executed twice to optimize 
                                outcomes. After completing an initial inhomogeneity correction step, the corrected outputs 
                                are co-registered to generate an unbiased template, using the same method as the commonspace 
                                registration. This template is then masked, and is used as a new target for masking during a 
                                second iteration of inhomogeneity correction. Using this dataset-specific template should 
                                improve the robustness of masking for inhomogeneity correction.
                                * apply: select 'true' to apply this option. 
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                * masking: Combine masks derived from the inhomogeneity correction step to support 
                                registration during the generation of the unbiased template, and then during template 
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to template registration based on the 
                                combined masks from inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but 
                                requires good quality masks. This should be selected along the 'masking' option.
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                * template_registration: Specify a registration script for the alignment of the 
                                dataset-generated unbiased template to a reference template for masking.
                                *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                                *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                                *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                                *** no_reg: skip registration.
                                (default: apply=false,masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN)
        --bold_inho_cor BOLD_INHO_COR
                                Same as --anat_inho_cor, but for the EPI images.
                                (default: method=Rigid,otsu_thresh=2,multiotsu=false)
        --bold_robust_inho_cor BOLD_ROBUST_INHO_COR
                                Same as --anat_robust_inho_cor, but for the EPI images.
                                (default: apply=false,masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN)
            opts: command line interface parameters
            image_type: between 'EPI' and 'structural'. Defines which script to run depending on 
                image type
            output_folder: specify a folder to execute the unbiased template generation and store important outputs
            num_procs: set the maximum number of parallel threads to launch

            target_img: the image to correct
            anat_ref: the registration target with a brain mask
            anat_mask: the brain mask of the registration target
            name_source: reference file for naming purpose
            template_anat: the structural template in for robust inhomogeneity correction
            template_mask: the brain mask for robust inhomogeneity correction

            corrected: the output image after the final correction
            denoise_mask: the brain mask resampled on the corrected image
            init_denoise: the image after a first round of correction

Common space alignment (i.e. Unbiased template generation + Atlas registration)

Figure: displays the overlap between a structural scan (top) and the dataset-generated unbiased template (bottom). Figure: displays the overlap between the unbiased template (top) and the reference atlas template (bottom).

rabies.preprocess_pkg.commonspace_reg.init_commonspace_reg_wf [source code]

    This workflow handles the alignment of all MRI sessions to a common space. This is conducted first by generating
    a dataset-specific unbiased template from the input structural images, thereby aligning the different MRI 
    sessions. Through a set of iterations, images are registered to a consensus average generated from the overlap 
    of all scans at the previous iteration. Registrations are increasingly stringent, executing 2 iterations each 
    for a rigid, then affine and finally non-linear template generation. The final iteration provides the individual 
    transforms to align each scan to the unbiased template. This template generation process creates a robust target 
    for the alignment of MRI sessions sharing the same acquisition properties, which will minimize registration 
    inconsistencies between sessions, as opposed to the direct registration to an external template. The algorithm is 
    implemented in
    After generating the unbiased template, the template itself is registered with a non-linear registration to the
    reference atlas in common space, providing transforms to common space and the associated brain parcellations.

        Avants, B. B., Tustison, N. J., Song, G., Cook, P. A., Klein, A., & Gee, J. C. (2011). A reproducible evaluation 
        of ANTs similarity metric performance in brain image registration. NeuroImage, 54(3), 2033–2044.

    Command line interface parameters:
        --commonspace_reg COMMONSPACE_REG
                                Specify registration options for the commonspace registration.
                                * masking: Combine masks derived from the inhomogeneity correction step to support 
                                registration during the generation of the unbiased template, and then during template 
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to template registration based on the 
                                combined masks from inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but 
                                requires good quality masks. This should be selected along the 'masking' option.
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                * template_registration: Specify a registration script for the alignment of the 
                                dataset-generated unbiased template to the commonspace atlas.
                                *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                                *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                                *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                                *** no_reg: skip registration.
                                * fast_commonspace: Skip the generation of a dataset-generated unbiased template, and 
                                instead, register each scan independently directly onto the commonspace atlas, using the 
                                template_registration. This option can be faster, but may decrease the quality of 
                                alignment between subjects. 
                                *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                                (default: masking=false,brain_extraction=false,template_registration=SyN,fast_commonspace=false)
            opts: command line interface parameters
            commonspace_masking: whether masking is applied during template generation and registration
            brain_extraction: whether brain extraction is applied for template registration
            template_reg: registration method
            fast_commonspace: whether the template generation step is skipped and instead each scan is registered directly in commonspace
            output_folder: specify a folder to execute the workflow and store important outputs
            transforms_datasink: datasink node where the transforms are stored
            num_procs: set the maximum number of parallel threads to launch
            output_datasinks: whether to generate a datasink from the outputs of the workflow
            joinsource_list: names for the iterable nodes to join before unbiased template generation

            moving_image_list: list of files corresponding to the images from different MRI sessions
            moving_mask_list: mask files overlapping with the moving images, inherited from the inhomogeneity 
                correction step. These masks are used for --commonspace_masking and --brain_extraction
            template_anat: the target structural template to register the unbiased template
            template_mask: the brain mask of the structural template

            unbiased_template: the generated unbiased template
            unbiased_mask: brain mask resampled over the unbiased template
            native_mask: the atlas brain mask resampled to an associated MRI session in native space
            to_atlas_affine: affine transform for registration to the atlas
            to_atlas_warp: non-linear transform for registration to the atlas
            to_atlas_inverse_warp: inverse of the non-linear transform for registration to the atlas
            native_to_unbiased_affine: affine transform from native space to the unbiased template
            native_to_unbiased_warp: non-linear transform from native space to the unbiased template
            native_to_unbiased_inverse_warp: inverse of the non-linear transform from native space to the unbiased template
            native_to_commonspace_transform_list: ordered list of the transforms to apply to move from the
                native space to the common space
            native_to_commonspace_inverse_list: list defining whether the inverse of affine transforms should
                be applied for native_to_commonspace_transform_list
            commonspace_to_native_transform_list: ordered list of the transforms to apply to move from the
                common space to the natiev space
            commonspace_to_native_inverse_list: list defining whether the inverse of affine transforms should
                be applied for commonspace_to_native_transform_list

3D EPI generation

rabies.preprocess_pkg.bold_ref.init_bold_reference_wf [source code]

    The 4D raw EPI file is used to generate a representative volumetric 3D EPI. This volume later becomes the target for 
    motion realignment and the estimation of susceptibility distortions through registration to the structural image. 
    Two iterations of motion realignment to an initial median of the volumes are conducted, then a trimmed mean is 
    computed on the realignment volumes, ignoring 5% extreme, and this average becomes the reference image. The final
    image is then corrected using non-local means denoising (Manjón et al., 2010).

        Manjón, J. V., Coupé, P., Martí-Bonmatí, L., Collins, D. L., & Robles, M. (2010). Adaptive non-local means 
            denoising of MR images with spatially varying noise levels. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 
            JMRI, 31(1), 192–203.

    Command line interface parameters:
        --detect_dummy        Detect and remove initial dummy volumes from the EPI, and generate a reference EPI based on
                            these volumes if detected. Dummy volumes will be removed from the output preprocessed EPI.
                            (default: False)

            opts: command line interface parameters

            bold_file: Nifti file with EPI timeseries

            ref_image: the reference EPI volume
            bold_file: the input EPI timeseries, but after removing dummy volumes if --detect_dummy is selected

Head motion estimation

Figure: example of the 6 motion parameters.

rabies.preprocess_pkg.hmc.init_bold_hmc_wf [source code]

    This workflow estimates motion during fMRI acquisition. To do so, each EPI frame is registered to a volumetric 
    target reference image with a rigid registration using ANTs' antsMotionCorr algorithm (Avants et al., 2009). 
    This results in the measurement of 3 Euler angles in radians and 3 translations in mm (from ITK's 
    Euler3DTransform at each time frame, which are 
    then stored into an output CSV file.

        Avants, B. B., Tustison, N., & Song, G. (2009). Advanced normalization tools (ANTS). The Insight Journal, 2, 1–35.

    Command line interface parameters:
        --HMC_option {intraSubjectBOLD,0,1,2,3}
                                Select an option for head motion realignment among the pre-built options from
                                (default: intraSubjectBOLD)
        --apply_slice_mc      Whether to apply a slice-specific motion correction after initial volumetric HMC. This can 
                                correct for interslice misalignment resulting from within-TR motion. With this option, 
                                motion corrections and the subsequent resampling from registration are applied sequentially
                                since the 2D slice registrations cannot be concatenate with 3D transforms. 
                                (default: False)

            opts: command line interface parameters

            bold_file: Nifti file with EPI timeseries to realign
            ref_image: the 3D image target for realignment

            motcorr_params: CSV file which contains all translation and rotation parameters
            slice_corrected_bold: if using the experimental method --apply_slice_mc, these are the EPI frames 
                after both rigid and then slice-specific realignment

rabies.preprocess_pkg.hmc.EstimateMotionParams [source code]

    This interface generates estimations of absolute displacement and framewise displacement, together with
    the expansion of the 6 motion parameters to include derivatives and squared parameters (Friston 24).
    Absolute and framewise displacement are computed within antsMotionCorrStats as follows:
        1. For each timepoint, the 3 Euler rotations and translations are converted to an affine matrix
        2. For each voxel within a brain mask representing the referential space post-motion realignment,
           the inverse transform is applied to generate a point pre-motion realignment.
        3. Absolute displacement is computed as the distance between the referential point post-correction 
           and the point pre-correction generated from the affine. For framewise displacement, the 
           distance is measured between the pre-correction points generated from the current and the 
           next timeframes. Distance is measured in mm with the Euclidean distance.
        4. From the distance measurements, voxelwise 4D timeseries are generated, and for framewise
           displacement, the mean and max displacement at each timeframe is stored in a CSV file.

Functional inhomogeneity correction

Figure: displays steps of inhomogeneity correction for the volumetric EPI.

The workflow is the same as the structural inhomogeneity correction.

Susceptibility distortion estimation

Figure: displays the overlap between the volumetric EPI (top) and structural image (bottom).

rabies.preprocess_pkg.registration.init_cross_modal_reg_wf [source code]

    The input volumetric EPI image is registered non-linearly to an associated structural MRI image.
    The non-linear transform estimates the correction for EPI susceptibility distortions (Wang et al., 2017).

        Wang, S., Peterson, D. J., Gatenby, J. C., Li, W., Grabowski, T. J., & Madhyastha, T. M. (2017). 
            Evaluation of Field Map and Nonlinear Registration Methods for Correction of Susceptibility Artifacts 
            in Diffusion MRI. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 11, 17.

    Command line interface parameters:                  
        --bold2anat_coreg BOLD2ANAT_COREG
                            Specify the registration script for cross-modal alignment between the EPI and structural
                            images. This operation is responsible for correcting EPI susceptibility distortions.
                            * masking: With this option, the brain masks obtained from the EPI inhomogeneity correction 
                            step are used to support registration.
                            *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                            * brain_extraction: conducts brain extraction prior to registration using the EPI masks from 
                            inhomogeneity correction. This will enhance brain edge-matching, but requires good quality 
                            masks. This should be selected along the 'masking' option.
                            *** Specify 'true' or 'false'. 
                            * registration: Specify a registration script.
                            *** Rigid: conducts only rigid registration.
                            *** Affine: conducts Rigid then Affine registration.
                            *** SyN: conducts Rigid, Affine then non-linear registration.
                            *** no_reg: skip registration.
                            (default: masking=false,brain_extraction=false,registration=SyN)

            opts: command line interface parameters

            ref_bold_brain: volumetric EPI image to register
            anat_ref: the target structural image
            anat_mask: the brain mask of the structural image
            moving_mask: a EPI mask inherited from inhomogeneity correction

            bold_to_anat_affine: affine transform from the EPI to the anatomical image
            bold_to_anat_warp: non-linear transform from the EPI to the anatomical image
            bold_to_anat_inverse_warp: inverse non-linear transform from the EPI to the anatomical image
            output_warped_bold: the EPI image warped onto the structural image

Frame-wise resampling

rabies.preprocess_pkg.resampling.init_bold_preproc_trans_wf [source code]

    This workflow carries out the resampling of the original EPI timeseries into preprocessed timeseries.
    This is accomplished by applying at each frame a combined transform which accounts for previously estimated 
    motion correction and susceptibility distortion correction, together with the alignment to common space if
    the outputs are desired in common space. All transforms are concatenated into a single resampling operation
    to mitigate interpolation effects from repeated resampling.
    This workflow also carries the resampling of brain masks and labels from the reference atlas onto the 
    preprocessed EPI timeseries.

    Command line interface parameters:
        Resampling Options:
            The following options allow to resample the voxel dimensions for the preprocessed EPIs
            or for the anatomical images during registration.
            The resampling syntax must be 'dim1xdim2xdim3' (in mm), follwing the RAS axis convention
            (dim1=Right-Left, dim2=Anterior-Posterior, dim3=Superior-Inferior). If 'inputs_defined'
            is provided instead of axis dimensions, the original dimensions are preserved.

        --nativespace_resampling NATIVESPACE_RESAMPLING
                            Can specify a resampling dimension for the nativespace fMRI outputs.
                            (default: inputs_defined)
        --commonspace_resampling COMMONSPACE_RESAMPLING
                            Can specify a resampling dimension for the commonspace fMRI outputs.
                            (default: inputs_defined)

            opts: command line interface parameters
            resampling_dim: specify the desired output voxel dimensions after resampling

            name_source: a reference file for naming the output
            bold_file: the EPI timeseries to resample
            motcorr_params: the motion correction parameters
            transforms_list: a list of transforms to apply onto EPI timeseries, including 
                susceptibility distortion correction and resampling to common space
            inverses: a list specifying whether the inverse affine transforms should be 
                applied in transforms_list
            ref_file: a reference image in the targetted space for resampling. Should be the structural 
                image from the same session if outputs are in native space, or the atlas template for
                outputs in common space
            mask_transforms_list: the list of transforms to apply onto the atlas parcellations
                to overlap with the EPI
            mask_inverses: a list specifying whether the inverse affine transforms should be 
                applied in mask_transforms_list

            bold: the preprocessed EPI timeseries
            bold_ref: a volumetric 3D EPI generated from the preprocessed timeseries
            brain_mask: the brain mask resampled onto preprocessed EPI timeseries
            WM_mask: the WM mask resampled onto preprocessed EPI timeseries
            CSF_mask: the CSF mask resampled onto preprocessed EPI timeseries
            vascular_mask: the vascular mask resampled onto preprocessed EPI timeseries
            labels: the atlas labels resampled onto preprocessed EPI timeseries

Adapted workflow without structural scans (i.e. –bold_only)

Structural scans are recommended, but not required to complete preprocessing with RABIES. An alternative workflow is also implemented to preprocess a input dataset which contains only EPI functional images, and can be selected with the --bold_only option. In this alternative workflow, the volumetric EPI corrected for inhomogeneity during Functional inhomogeneity correction replaces the structural image for the purpose of common space alignment, and is thus used for generating the unbiased template, in turn, this template is registered to the reference atlas. This final registration to the atlas accounts for estimation of susceptibility distortions instead of the registration to a structural image from the same MRI session. Given that this atlas registration must be applied to account for susceptibility distortions, only preprocessed timeseries in common space are provided when running this workflow. If using the RABIES default mouse atlas, the default template is changed to a EPI reference template, which offers a more robust target for EPI registration than a structural image as reference template.