Confound Correction pipeline

Processing Schema

The workflow for confound correction regroups a broad set of standard tools from the human litterature. The implementation of each step is structured to follow best practices and prevent re-introduction of confounds, as recommended in [PML+14] and [LGWC19]. Importantly, each operation is optional (except detrending), and a set of operations can be selected to design a customized workflow. Optimal correction strategy can be dataset-specific, and ideally, should be tuned to address relevant quality issues identified within the dataset (see section on data quality assessment).

  1. Frame censoring (--frame_censoring): Frame censoring temporal masks are derived from FD and/or DVARS thresholds, and applied first on both BOLD timeseries before any other correction step to exclude signal spikes which may bias downstream corrections, in particular, detrending, frequency filtering and confound regression[PML+14].

    • Censoring with framewise displacement (see definition): Apply frame censoring based on a framewise displacement threshold. The frames that exceed the given threshold, together with 1 back and 2 forward frames will be masked out[PBS+12].

    • Censoring with DVARS (see definition): The DVARS values are z-scored (\(DVARS_Z = \frac{DVARS-\mu}{\sigma}\), where \(\mu\) is the mean DVARS across time, and \(\sigma\) the standard deviation), and frames with \(|DVARS_Z|>2.5\) (i.e. above 2.5 standard deviations from the mean) are removed. Z-scoring and outlier detection is repeated within the remaining frames, iteratively, until no more outlier is detected, to obtained a final set of frames post-censoring.

    • --match_number_timepoints : This option can be selected to constrain each scan to retain the same final number of frames, to account for downstream impacts from unequal temporal degrees of freedom (tDOF) on analysis. To do so, a pre-set final number of frames is defined with minimum_timepoint, and a number of extra frames remaining post-censoring (taking into account edge removal in 5) ) is randomly selected and removed from the set.

  2. Detrending (--detrending_order): Linear (or quadratic) trends are removed from timeseries. Detrended timeseries \(\hat{Y}\) are obtained by performing ordinary-least square (OLS) linear regression,

    \[ \beta = OLS(X,Y) \]
    \[ \hat{Y} = Y - X\beta \]
    where Y is the timeseries and the predictors are \(X = [intercept, time, time^2]\) (\(time^2\) is included if removing quadratic trends).

  3. ICA-AROMA (--ica_aroma): Cleaning of motion-related sources using the ICA-AROMA[PMvR+15] classifier. The hard-coded human priors for anatomical masking and the linear coefficients for classification were adapted from the original code to function with rodent images. ICA-AROMA is applied prior to frequency filtering to remove further effects of motion than can result in ringing after filtering[Car13, PMvR+15].

  4. Frequency filtering (--TR/--highpass/--lowpass/--edge_cutoff):

    1. Simulating censored timepoints: frequency filtering requires particular considerations when applied after frame censoring, since conventional filters cannot handle missing data (censoring results in missing timepoints). To address this issue, we implemented a method described in [PML+14] allowing the simulation of data points while preserving the frequency composition of the data. This method relies on an adaptation of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, which allows estimating the frequency composition of the timeseries despite missing data points, and from that estimation, missing timepoints can be simulated while preserving the frequency profile [MGG+04].

    2. Butterworth filter: Following the simulation, frequency filtering (highpass and/or lowpass) is applied using a 3rd-order Butterworth filter (scipy.signal.butter). If applying highpass, it is recommended to remove 30 seconds at each end of the timeseries using --edge_cutoff to account for edge artefacts following filtering[PML+14]. After frequency filtering, the temporal mask from censoring is re-applied to remove simulated timepoints.

  1. Confound regression (--conf_list): For each voxel timeseries, a selected set of nuissance regressors (see regressor options) are modelled using OLS linear regression and their modelled contribution to the signal is removed. Regressed timeseries \(\hat{Y}\) are obtained with

    \[\beta = OLS(X,Y)\]
    \[ Y_{CR} = X\beta \]
    \[ \hat{Y} = Y - Y_{CR} \]
    where \(Y\) is the timeseries, \(X\) is the set of nuisance timecourses and \(Y_{CR}\) is the confound timeseries predicted from the model at each voxel (\(Y_{CR}\) is a time by voxel 2D matrix).

  2. Intensity scaling (--image_scaling): Voxel intensity values should be scaled to improve comparability between scans/datasets. The following options are provided:

    • Grand mean (recommended): Timeseries are divided by the mean intensity across the brain, and then multiplied by 100 to obtain percent BOLD deviations from the mean. The mean intensity of each voxel is derived from the \(\beta\) coefficient from the intercept computed during Detrending.

    • Voxelwise mean: Same as grand mean, but each voxel is independently scaled by its own mean signal.

    • Global standard deviation: Timeseries are divided by the total standard deviation across all voxel timeseries.

    • Voxelwise standardization: Each voxel is divided by its standard deviation.

    • Homogenize variance voxelwise: if no scaling was already applied voxelwise (voxelwise mean or standardization), by selecting the option --scale_variance_voxelwise, timeseries are first scaled voxelwise by their standard deviation (yielding homogeneous variance distribution across voxels), and then re-scaled to preserve the original total standard deviation of the entire 4D timeseries (i.e. the global standard deviation does not change). Inhomogeneous variability distribution can be a confound signature, thus this option may downscale their impact. --scale_variance_voxelwise can be applied in combination with grand mean scaling.

  3. Smoothing (--smoothing_filter): Timeseries are spatially smoothed using a Gaussian smoothing filter (nilearn.image.smooth_img).

rabies.confound_correction_pkg.confound_correction.init_confound_correction_wf [source code]

    This workflow applies the RABIES confound correction pipeline to preprocessed EPI timeseries. The correction steps are 
    orchestrated in line with recommendations from human litterature:   
    #1 - Compute and apply frame censoring mask (from FD and/or DVARS thresholds)
    #2 - If --match_number_timepoints is selected, each scan is matched to the defined minimum_timepoint number of frames.
    #4 - Linear/Quadratic detrending of fMRI timeseries and nuisance regressors
    #4 - Apply ICA-AROMA.
    #5 - If frequency filtering and frame censoring are applied, simulate data in censored timepoints using the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, 
         as suggested in Power et al. (2014, Neuroimage), for both the fMRI timeseries and nuisance regressors prior to filtering.
    #6 - As recommended in Lindquist et al. (2019, Human brain mapping), make the nuisance regressors orthogonal
         to the temporal frequency filter.
    #7 - Apply highpass and/or lowpass filtering on the fMRI timeseries (with simulated timepoints).
    #8 - Re-apply the frame censoring mask onto filtered fMRI timeseries and nuisance regressors, taking out the
         simulated timepoints. Edge artefacts from frequency filtering can also be removed as recommended in Power et al. (2014, Neuroimage).
    #9 - Apply confound regression using the selected nuisance regressors.
    #10 - Scaling of timeseries variance.
    #11 - Apply Gaussian spatial smoothing.
        Power, J. D., Barnes, K. A., Snyder, A. Z., Schlaggar, B. L., & Petersen, S. E. (2012). Spurious but systematic 
            correlations in functional connectivity MRI networks arise from subject motion. Neuroimage, 59(3), 2142-2154.
        Power, J. D., Mitra, A., Laumann, T. O., Snyder, A. Z., Schlaggar, B. L., & Petersen, S. E. (2014). Methods to detect, 
            characterize, and remove motion artifact in resting state fMRI. Neuroimage, 84, 320-341.
        Lindquist, M. A., Geuter, S., Wager, T. D., & Caffo, B. S. (2019). Modular preprocessing pipelines can reintroduce 
            artifacts into fMRI data. Human brain mapping, 40(8), 2358-2376.

            cr_opts: command line interface parameters from confound_correction

            bold_file: preprocessed EPI timeseries
            brain_mask: brain mask overlapping with EPI timeseries
            csf_mask: CSF mask overlapping with EPI timeseries
            motion_params_csv: CSV file with motion regressors
            FD_file: CSV file with the framewise displacement

            cleaned_path: the cleaned EPI timeseries
            aroma_out: folder with outputs from ICA-AROMA
            VE_file: variance explained (R^2) from confound regression at each voxel
            STD_file: standard deviation on the cleaned EPI timeseries
            CR_STD_file: standard deviation on the confound timeseries modelled during confound regression
            random_CR_STD_file_path: variance fitted by random regressors during confound regression
            corrected_CR_STD_file_path: CR_STD_file after substracting the variance fitted by random
            frame_mask_file: CSV file which records which frame were censored
            CR_data_dict: dictionary object storing extra data computed during confound correction